
Mobile Data Collection

Collect data using Android mobile devices

Complex trial design

Design complex trials to test crop varieties and crop management options.

Summaries and statistics

Analyze your trials and report on the findings.

Dual license

ClimMob is free for research and development projects where data eventually becomes public. However if you are a private sector you can use the platform privately.

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The smart way for evaluating climate-smart agriculture.

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Trial projects

Contact Us

Your comments and suggestions are welcome.

Alliance Bioversity-CIAT
Costa Rica

P.O.Box: Campus CATIE 7170-30501
Turrialba, Cartago, Costa Rica
P: (+506) 2558 2155

The ClimMob platform has very specific terms of service. Click here for more details.

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Copyright 2022, Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT
Version: 3.9.0 (20250201)